Whisky Hampers at Heather and Bale.
At Heather and Bale our selection of Luxury Whisky Hampers feature some of the best single malt scotch. Still considered the best, Scotland produces the most notable Single Malt Whisky in the world. So, for our Whisky Gift inspiration we make sure we start with the best in class. Deliciously paired with complementing products, our Luxury Whisky Gift Sets will not disappoint.
Whisky and dark chocolate are such an amazing pairing and with some of the most talented chocolatiers in the North featured in our Whisky Hampers, we have you covered. We’ve even added some dark chocolate fruit and nut for that ultimate pairing. We’ve added smoked flavours and complementing tastes to our range to make sure you have the perfect gift for the Whisky lover in your life.
Balvenie Whisky & Treats Box
£98.00 -
Talisker Luxury Whisky Hamper
£190.00 -
Oban 14 Whisky Hamper
£190.00 -
Islay Whisky Hamper
£190.00 -
Irishman Whiskey Hamper
£138.00 -
Lagavulin Scotch Box
£170.00 -
Cragganmore Whisky & Cheese Box
£114.00 -
Beadnell Whisky Box
£125.00 -
Glenkinchie Scotch Box
£95.00 -
Noveltea Whisky Box
£56.00 -
Doxford Luxury Whisky Hamper